Simple Do’s And Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is  marketing of a business, event or an idea  online through various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,  Pinterest, LinkedIn etc. It plays a vital role in the brand promotion and success of a business these days.  It is the best way to show your presence in the market.

There are some basic do’s and don’ts that companies, brands and individuals  should follow while marketing their products on these platforms.

Do’s of Social Media Marketing:

1.      Instead of writing long stories make graphics and videos to convey your message
2.      Know your target audience on social media and create content according to their interest.
3.      Post daily or at regular intervals with consistency.
4.  Social Media Marketing is a two-way process. Always try to be interactive with your customers and respond to them timely.
5.      Always focus on the quality of your content rather than quantity.
6.      Keep an eye on your competitors in Social Media Marketing.
7.      Services that you are providing online and offline should be the same.

Don’ts of Social Media Marketing:

1.      Avoid fake RTs, fake likings and fake sharing.
2.      Over posting and over-sharing content on Social Media should be avoided.
3.      Take utmost care of your content.
4.      Never fight or argue with your customers/potential customers.
5.      The content on all social media platforms should not be the same, make it interesting keeping different platforms of Social Media in mind.
6.      Your story on Social Media Channels should not be different from your Brand’s story.
7.      While using many hashtags on instagram posts is advisable , avoid the same on twitter

Social Media Marketing is one of the best ways to reach to your clients and potential clients and if you find it difficult in handling the Social Media Marketing for your company on different platforms of Social Media, hire us! We are always there. 


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